100% of your money goes directly to accredited nonprofits.

Together with accredited nonprofits, givers like you are finding ways to make their money have transformative impact.


Expanding impact for good is what Redwood United is all about.

Finding great and responsible nonprofits to give to can be time-consuming and challenging. You want to make sure your money is having the greatest impact possible, and so do we.

We work with nonprofits to make sure they are operating within our 7 Circles of a Thriving Organization so you can rest assured your money is being used well.

When you give to the Redwood United Impact Fund, we don’t take a penny off the top. 100% of your money goes directly to accredited nonprofits.  

Orphans, trafficked, enslaved, defenseless, hungry, thirsty, naked, forgotten, afraid, alone…

Helping people in crisis and desperate need is the heartbeat behind our mission. We are committed to answering the cries of those hurting and helping others as we would want to be helped.

We do this by investing in nonprofits who are already on the frontlines making a difference in people’s lives. The Impact Fund can invest in them through scholarships for initial training and then eventually regular funding if they are an accredited organization.