Be part of the new mission revival.

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You want to increase your impact, but there are challenges:

  • You can feel the slow approach of burnout

  • Doing too many good things fragments your focus

  • Raising funds and grants is time-consuming

  • Your people aren’t always on the same page and you feel like you’re always putting out fires

  • The tactics you’ve tried haven’t given you the results you want

  • You often feel like you’re on an island by yourself


Redwood United gives you the resources and relationships you need to thrive as a leader while your organization improves efficiency, increases funding, and expands your impact.


Nonprofit Leader Mindset Shifts

  • How you can double the number of people you help without compromise or burnout.

  • How you can get answers to your most pressing questions…from leaders who have been where you are and already done what you want to do!

  • How to ensure your organization accomplishes what you’ve always intended and dreamed.


Strength in unity.

Together, we grow.

Like the Redwood trees our name is drawn from, the sustaining force of synergy grows when our “roots” are intertwined in collaboration and partnership. connect our community to the relationships and resources they need to thrive.


As part of the Redwood United, you will go through training in a cohort with other like-minded nonprofit leaders. After you complete the Intensive, you will have access to our rich Mastermind community of both nonprofit and for-profit leaders who are dedicated to helping each other learn, grow, solve problems, and maximize their impact.


Our Nonprofit Mastermind Intensive process takes you and team through the mindsets, principles, and practices that will transform your operations. You’ll have access to a shared network of resources in our community, as well as a path towards accreditation and funding.

Your success
is our passion

Nonprofit leaders and organizations like you are changing the world. Our mission is to come alongside you and connect you to the resources and relationships you need to accomplish your mission more effectively.